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A Feature-Rich Glossary
System For Your Website

This professional, flexible, fully customizable glossary system
is packed with innovative capabilities and features designed to make it
easy to install, customize, and maintain a glossary for your site.

Share Definitions at Your Discretion
The glossary software works well with Microsoft(tm) Office because
it saves and reads files that can be saved and read by Microsoft
Excel®. It also allows you or other websites to include links
to your glossary terms directly in web pages, in lookup fields,
or shared using our open XML transport standard. All of this helps
to greatly simplify re-purposing and exchange of glossaries while
protecting the copyrights owned by you and your glossarists.

Easy To Install
Learn exactly how its done in this Installation document.
Installation and configuration can be as simple or as concise as you'd like.

Easy To Use
Glossarists will appreciate the many features to help them easily enter
and edit terms and definitions. Features include CUF editing, easy
inclusion of graphics, tables, layout, fonts, inside and outside
links within definitions, and compatability with Office applications, to
name just a few.

There's a Lot More to Tell
Please refer to the Information box on the right
to see a little more details about Creativyst
Glossary's many capabilities.
Information Box

Partial Feature List
Import terms & definitions from spreadsheets and database programs with ease.
Full text searches allow site visitors to search the content of your glossary based on search-terms found within definition text.
Page templates allow you to exactly match the look and feel of your site.
Easily add tables, illustrations, & links to defintions with CUF compliant formatting codes.
Chain to other glossaries, even incompatible dictionaries, if a term isn't found.
Track the terms visitors looked for but did not find in your glossary.
GlossXML - XML export file format makes it quick and easy to repurpose your glossary content for other applications.
More... such as international support that insures latin letters with diacritical marks are sorted and listed correctly... and symbol compensation so "U-Law, U Law, and uLaw for example, all go to the same entry.

Package Documentation
Content sharing
XML export DTD
License text

Package Info
Version History
Written in Perl

Included Glossary
Our site glossary with over 400 telecom industry terms is included with the package for you to use if you wish.

ADD WORDS to this tongue-in-cheek example
Glossary terms in Web Pages
Chaining: Look up the word "CHAIN"
Simple, frameless, single term lookup
Our own site's glossary is another example of custom look and feel. Our wordlist is included as a starter glossary too.

Purchasers have access to the download area for six months from the time of purchase. During this time they may download the latest upgrades and improvements as they are made available.
All our COTS software is sold with a 30-day money back guaranty.


© Copyright 2001 - 2010 Creativyst, Inc.