Creativyst™ JavaScript
Compressor (JSC)
Basic Information

To compress a file simply paste it into the Input text area (the one on top) and push the button labeled Compress. Wait until the Progress field says "Done..." then cut & paste the compressed code from the bottom text area.

You may use Creativyst(R) JavaScript Compressor (JSC) from our site as often as you'd like. If you would like to purchase a license to use JSC from your internet/intranet site or personal computer (it will run on your browswer without a web server), you may purchase a liscense and download it instantly for a very reasonable price (under $15 at the time of this writing). See the section below on licensing for more information.

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All the field labels on JSC's application form are also help links. Click on any label and a new window will pop-up with a terse descripton pertaining to that specific field. After reviewing the pop-up information, close the window to continue with your compression tasks. Also, on modern browsers, fly-over tips (very short descriptions) for each field are displayed when you hold the mouse pointer still over a label.

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If you write JavaScript with a lot of constructs that are executed at load time --i.e. code that is outside of any function-- you may experience problems with Netscape 4.x browsers. They sometimes choke on the parsing chore in these situations. If Netscape runs your code fine when it is uncompressed, but chokes on the compressed stuff, try recompressing it with the "Allow for NS bug" checkbox checked. It will take a little longer but should work barring any other problems.

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Place JSCPragma:StartCompress in your code to leave lines above it uncompressed. This allows you to keep a comment with instructions to the installer or your copyright notice intact. You may even preserve configuration variables with this pragma.
  • The pragma should be on the first line of the comment if you include it in a block comment (everything from the line it is on will be compressed away).
  • It works outside of a comment but if you put it in a comment you can run your code without compressing it (important during the debug phase).
  • Case doesn't matter. The mixed case in the example below is just for clarity.
     * Information banner to be shared
     * with all users.

    /* JSCPragma:StartCompress

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Creativyst™ JavaScript Compressor (JSC) allows you to compress your JavaScript code from a single application screen. JSC makes it easy to reduce the download time (or valuable WAN bandwidth) and storage space required by your script files. With JSC you'll be able to comment and format your code liberally and then compress it all all out of your distribution files. You'll appreciate JSC's StartCompress pragma as well, which allows you to leave some lines at the top of a file uncompressed for copyright and usage comments along with user settable configuration variables.

You may use Creativyst™ JavaScript Compressor from our site as often as you'd like. If you'd prefer to include it on your own internet or intranet site you may purchase a license to use it from (this site will be credited when you use this link). At the time of this writing the cost is under $15. The link will lead you to more information on terms of licensing.

Creativyst offers a generous associate program based (approximately) on splitting net profits from each sale. The concise information on how to become a reseller for JavaScript Compressor and other products developed by Creativyst Corporation please visit our associates page.

© Copyright 2001 Creativyst, Inc.